Can You Beat Fallout 4 With ONLY Voice Commands?

Alright Gentleman, this one is a bit of a different Fallout 4 video. I have been working on this for a while so i wanted to share the experience with you all. By the end of the video, I honestly had over 43 commands for each specific action in Fallout.

Fallout 4 can be completed in many ways, but today, I’m feeling like a mad man. Instead of any controller or keyboard, I will use voice commands to complete the game. Fallout 4 is probably the most forgiving out of the others in the Fallout franchise. Can You Beat Fallout 4 With ONLY Voice Commands?

If you enjoy this type of content or Bethesda games in general be sure to subscribe!

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Next video, will be a Skyrim one 🙂

If you got a moment, check out my other videos friend 🙂

Can You Beat Skyrim With Only A Wooden Sword?

Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas With Every Limb Crippled?

Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only A Pipe Pistol?

Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas With Only A Shovel?

Can You Beat Fallout 4 Survival Without Sleeping or Eating?

Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas With Only The Items in Doc Mitchell’s House?

Can You Beat Skyrim Using Only Shield Bash?

Can You Beat Fallout 4 Using Only DogMeat?

Can You Beat Fallout 4 Using Only Mines?

Can you Beat Fallout 4 Using Only Cannibalism to Heal? :

Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only The Items In Vault 111?

Can You Beat Fallout 4 With ONLY Voice Commands? – Text Version:

In Fallout 4, your player character moves by input commands on your controller or keyboard. The
game is in real time, so hand eye coordination is imparative to success in the wasteland. Today,
we will answer a question no sane person has ever asked. Can You Beat Fallout 4 with ONLY
voice commands? In hindsight, i’ll tell you now, that i’d pretty much rather smother a porcupine
with my butt cheeks. But before we can continue on this run, let’s set a few rules.
RULE 1: No input from my Keyboard at all unless it is typing my characters name and rule 2: the
usual. No sneak build. Even, when i have all odds against me. Now that the rules have been set.
Lets get it boys.
In order to make this whole run happen, i first had to download a program that would translate
my speech into a controller output. Here is an example of the program in action:
Today, i plan to torture myself by using only voice commands.
The program captured most of what I said, but that is all that matters. Because when i put in
ACTUAL voice commands, the voice bot will pick up the gist of the word i said and depending on
pronunciation will most likely portray the action. Like this:
If you see there, the program caught the words and portrayed the action. If we were in game,
that would allow me to move forward. After a bit of tinkering, i came up with the basic commands
that we will be using for movement.
I set my player moving forward voice command to “hot dog water” – show on screen.
Player moving backward to “Keanu”
Player looking left “Orange chicken”
Player looking right “Moist”
My jump voice command will be poopy butthole
running is “cocaineteen”
And my interact voice command will be “d*** fart.”
Why are these my command names? I dont know, dont judge, my autism has no boundaries.
Ill throw up a map of my commands on the screen, but it is now time to quit the chit chat and
stop the brotherhood of hypebeasts with only my voice.
I made my character and didnt really put much effort into him. Because, technically i couldnt.
Now it was time to see if these voice commands actually worked.
Now, now, even though I was celebrating, it was not just that time. You boy needed to become
acquainted with his commands, actually more then acquaintances, he needed to make sweet and
non consensual love to them.
While traversing my living room i ran into a few problems.
In tight corridors movement was difficult because of the intensity of the commands. So i added
in a stop key that would cancel any command in action. We will call this one tasty.
After getting used to the commands i did would any normal prewar husband would do. I ran
into a few walls for an hour or so, screamed profound words at my child and then got interrupted by a sales man.
Getting through the interview was easy, you didnt think id forget about chat commands did you?
I named my character after a very… uhm… an interesting viewer, pumped my stats into
endurance, intelligence and perception.

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